ASHA ARIZONA Meeting Date: August 11st , 2010 Location: ASU Attendees: Asha Volunteer: Sriram, Caroline, Mukund, Ramakrishna, Chirag, Raghu, Gautam, Tanushree (Asha wide) Asha Kids: Anita, Malvika ASU: Praveen, Srinath AID: Amrit Guest: Lekha, Krishna, Shastri School reps?? 1. Discussion on funding approval of existing projects OLCOTT, Poorna Vidhya approved. Chirag has talked to Babu-Viji regarding this and they have approved as well. Sriram also got an email regarding the funding for these 2 projects. OMHS: $7000 Poorna Vidhya: $10000 CLT: $7000 – Sriram to set up the poll of CLT 2. Funding process As of last year, all the project funding will need to complete the requirements document along with funding summary, report from previous funding year and poll/approval documentation. 3. Walkathon Scheduled for Nov 7th this year @ Papago Park. All the members are encouraged to participate and spread the word. 4. Aadarana Home (Krishna, Lekha) – Guest Home for orphaned students in Hyderabad. Sponsors available for the Boys facility (which already exists) and girls facility is starting new. The home helps orphan and poor children who wish to continue their studies. Asha Hyderabad will distribute the material to the organization. Any funding from here will only need to go to Asha HYD. Follow Up: Mukund to follow up with Asha Central to make sure funding to Asha HYD is acceptable. 5. Shastri School (Anita, Malvika from Asha Kids) Asha kids visited the project in Bangalore and is home for hearing impaired and orphan kids. This project is being funded by Seattle chapter for few years now and Asha Kids would like to contribute the has been funds collected from Walkathon to the school. The funding is for sponsoring 6 students – hearing aid and multi-meals a day. The funding is will be once in 2 years. More details on the project can be found on the asha projects webpage. Team decided to fund this project. Chirag requested Malvika/Anita to send an email with the funding approval to Shastri School. To close the formalities, Sriram to set up poll and complete the funding requirements document and send it out for review. 6. AID Project – Orissa Schoo (Amrit) Reviewed the project and the funding needs. The team wanted to first know if FCRA clearance is available. And also wanted to get details on the project and the new methodology on the education process. 7. Asha Wide Fellowship Program (TanuShree) Asha supports a fellowship program that supports individuals of the highest quality and unquestionable dedication and also at grass-root level... There are 12 fellows now in the program. Request for the team to review the fellows program, and specifically look at Aheli's program.