Avehi-Abacus Organization Details

  1. Name of the organisation: Avehi Public Charitable (Educational)Trust.

  2. Address and telephone: Raoli Camp, S.M. Road, Sardar Nagar, 4, Sion Koliwada, Bombay - 400 037. (Ph) 4072188/402 3032

  3. Legal status: Society Registration
    • Registration Number: E 8193 (Mumbai)
    • Date received: 18 June 1981

  4. FCRA no.: 083780497 (Copy attached).
    • Date received: 24th February 1992.

  5. Contact persons: Ms. Simantini Dhuru, Co-ordinator; Dr. Malvika Chari, Trustee

Background of the Parent Body - AVEHI:
AVEHI, Audio Visual Education Resource Center is a voluntary, non-profit organisation which was born out of a belief that knowledge empowers, that the media must be used for widening horizons for creating awareness to promote secularism, equality, social justice and communal harmony. The overriding concern of AVEHI is to act as a resource center for development and dissemination of material that will contribute to the cause of education in its widest sense. It aims at helping children and adults to develop a comprehensive view of the world, the starting point being their immediate reality. It aims at helping them to evolve learning strategies to cope with the rapidly expanding world of knowledge and to evolve a framework of values which will enable them to live in harmony with others and with the environment.

These are the concerns that motivated AVEHI to take up the ABACUS project in addition to its ongoing activities of dissemination of educational materials and conducting training programmes on the use of audio-visual media.

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