Date: Apr 18th 8-9 pm MST Premilinary review conference call to get feedback on the Sebama Foundation proposal for WAH. Attendees: Swati - Asha Seattle Sundaram - Part of Asha-projects, Asha-Chennai US volunteer and Asha-Irula project Jagdish - Syracuse NY. Asha-special group Srini - Asha-CO chapter co-ordinator Naresh - Asha-CO projects co-ordinator Rohini - Asha Bangalore volunteer (formerly Asha-CO) who did the recent site visit Minali - Asha-CO volunteer Mehjabin - Project Steward Questions and Comments on the WAH proposal - A more detailed itemized budget will be provided shortly. We are waiting for the blueprint and cost estimate to arrive via speedpost by Tuesday/Wednesday at the latest. - Based on some prior experience in the field of construction, Sundaram felt that 5 lakhs for the foundation cost is realistic. Foundation is the key and building a solid foundation up front will make it easy to add more things later. Therefore the proposed way of building is a good option. - Last year the cost of construction was estimated Rs 200-300 per sq ft. Based on that if we add inflation and assume Rs 400 per sq ft, the cost would be about 30 lakhs. Brother has also included the cost of furniture etc. so the detailed budget that will be published soon, will clarify the entire 52 lakh budget. - The reason for building 2 floors given the fact that this school is for disabled children is because the plan is to build 14 classrooms and all cannot be accomodated only on the ground floor, due to a lack of more space on the plot where Sebama FOundation is located. Currently this plot houses three buildings: Mercy Home, an Office Building, a tailoring center and 7th and 8th std.class rooms, as well as Brother's residence. Some of the land is also being culitivated for agricultural crops. Therefore the plan is to build 2 floors and have an access ramp to the first floor. The orthopedically handicapped children are strong enough to pull themselves up via wheelchairs, and the other children can climb to the First Floor. - Asha Colorado will work closely with Brother to ensure that the gradient of the ramps is gradual and not too steep. We are also in the process of collaborating with Asha Chennai to see if they can give Brother some input on making the building "disability-friendly" in all respects. - The average rate of increase in the number of children is about 40 per year in all disabilities combined. Also existing MRCs will increase by approximately 10 per year. A question arose whether the current building is large enough to support this growth rate. We are seeking clarifications from Brother that the new building will indeed be adequate to serve the growing number of children over a period of years. - Currently the proposed plan is to build a dormitory in the new bldg. and that will be residence to the orthopaedically handicapped children and the current bldg will be residence to the MRC's. There was a question about the reason for the segregation - we have asked Brother for a clarification. - The issue was brought up with the fact that Brother is a Christian will influence Asha's selection decision in any way. As mentioned in the site visit reports although Brother is a Christian there is no form of preaching to convert the religion of these children. This is evident in all the 4 site visits. Swati also felt this is not an issue and Sundaram had input saying that he has visited charity homes in Dharmapuri and the villagers there are very happy with the loving care given to their children and do not think they are influenced in any way by religion. - The Cradle Scheme mentioned in the recent site visit report by Rohini is being fully funded by the TamilNadu government. Brother is planning to convert a verandah in another building for the girls who come in through the cradle scheme. - There are a few bldgs in the mercy home compound These are: Brother's residence Mercy home (school and residence for the 227 children) Office tailoring center and 7th and 8th std classes. - Jagdish has a quesiton on what happens to the children after they pass out from the mercy home school. in Dharmapuri there are 2 schools for the orthopaedically handicapped and hearing impaired children. The children go there after the Vth std if they want to pursue further studies. Else if they prefer vocational training then they are taught carpentry, tailoring etc. Mercy home still provided a home for them to stay. - Swati had a question on how the parents of these children are viewing the improvement in them. We will ask Brother for specific reactions. In Sasidhar's site visit in 2002, he had said that one child was now able to recognize her mother and called her "Amma". We also went and looked back at the feedback form (which is on the project webpage) also has a brief mention about this. - Asha Colorado plans to assist Brother to educate the local people about disabilities. - How does Brother foresee the continuance of this project after him? Brother is already making plans for that. The land is owned by a trust so it cannot be sold. He is looking to train some students of Mercy home itself to help with the schools. Already there are 2 students who have come back to help him. - Sundaram had a question about the self-sufficiency plans for this project. These have been mentioned in the WAH proposal. One big step is the fact that the children are being trained to be self-sufficient after leaving Mercy home and there are instances of them already. We have to continuously strive to look for opportunities using which the mercy home can be self-sufficient without needs of any funds. This is a difficult objective and an almost ideal scenario, but we will keep our eye on this goal as we move forward. As far as continuous funds for the project we can expand the SAC to include all children, build up a more dedicated donor base for the project (ideas from Swati). Asha Colorado is also currently evaluating a proposal to extend oour involvement to include the orthopedically handicapped children in Mercy Home. - Sundaram has already sent email to Asha-Chennai and DP asking for help with Sebama. If the Asha volunteers do not have the bandwidth then Sundaram's brother who lives in Dharmapuri may also be able to help in an advisory role to Brother. Asha-Bangalore is closer to Dharmapuri and Rohini from Asha-Bangalore has offered to start looking into following up with this project on a regular basis. Jagdish suggested that we should talk to Brother and propose a name change from "Mercy Home" to something else which sounds less charity like. Jagdish is a student of disability studies and can work with us in coming up with another name. Asha Colorado will work with Brother on this and suggest a change of name.